Tuesday, March 11, 2014


We are curious about the fact that traditions are no longer used for their real meaning but performed as a flag that distinguishes a certain country, region or village. Citizens carry cultures but don't associate their meanings to them, taking advantage of their existence to promote their backgrounds. In order to create this duet, we are going through a phase of research in which we’ve been exploring the tradition in dance in our countries. As in the digestion that all the cultures are going through, we'll mix, work, restructure, tear, embody and drop them. 

In Portugal, country of brandos costumes, the folklore dances we are focusing on are Corridinho and Vira do MinhoCorridinho (photo at the right side) is a dance originally from Algarve, in which couples dance in revelry. Vira do Minho, from Minho, the very north of the country, is a dance that contains some Spanish aspects explained by the proximity of Minho to Galicia.

In Mexico, el ombligo de la Luna, the two traditional dances we chose are the Dance of Concheros and Jarabe Tapatío. The Dance of Concheros is a very indigenous dance, with origins in Queretaro. Jarabe Tapatío is, as the picture depicts, a color and cheerful dance from Guadalajara Jalisco.

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